

The channel numbers were sele小額貸款率利試算表cted to echo World Freedom Day on Jan. 23, as liberty and 小額借貸快速撥款equality are creeds of the Legislative Yuan, Su added.

Taiwanese sign language translation is to be available for the premier’s policy report at the Legislative Yuan, as it was in the last session, and as of this session, real-time sign language translation is to be broadcast for the question-and-answer session.

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Lin Wei-chou (林為洲) and People First Party Legislator Chen Yi-chieh (陳怡潔) called for interparty cooperation for better policies and image.

The Legislative Yuan yesterday announced the launch of two official parliament television channels, which are to broadcast legislative proceedings live from Friday, the first day of the new legislative session.

Su last year pledged a more transparent and open Legislative Yuan, and broadcasting of legislative sessions was one of those promises.

By Alison Hsiao / Staff reporter

New Power Party Legislator Hsu Yung-ming (徐永明) said the TV channels would help boost the public’s trust in government agencies.

“Many other democracies, such as the US, the UK, Japan and South Korea, have long had parliament TV. Ours has been planned and set up within a year,” he said, applauding the nation’s swift action.

債務協商信用破產信用瑕疵信貸>信用瑕疵辦車貸小額信貸試算信貸條件小額信貸利率比較a債務協商機制小額貸款五萬信用瑕疵貸款信用貸款利率2017>小額貸款率利最低銀行“Twenty-three new media outlets債務協商會影響信用債務協商註記青創貸款條件信用貸款代辦信貸利率比較小額借貸銀行 also helped broadcast the legislative meetings in the past year and together they counted more than 10 million viewers, which shows there is a need and public expectation for an open and monitored legislature,” legislative 信用瑕疵房貸信貸利率試算a青創貸款利率2017>信用貸款比較2017speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全) said.

The legislature consented to the pilot project in March last year and in November last y信用代款那一間銀行比較好貸ear finali小額信貸條件zed amendments to set up official channels to be operated by the Public Television Service Foundation.

The nation’s major multiple system operators, independent cable system operators and Chunghwa Telecom Co’s media-on-demand TV service agreed to air the legislative sessions on channels 123 and 124, Su said.


Both cha信貸代辦nnels are to broadcast the meetings of the four legislative committees live on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and the general assembly floor meetings on Tuesdays and Fridays are to be simulcast.

青創貸款代辦OVERSIGHT Lawmakers hope that live broadcasting committee meetings and question-and-answer sessions might put an end to viol彰化借錢管道e債務協商會註記多久nce on the parliamentary floor

Democratic Progressive Party caucus whip Ker Chien-ming (柯建銘) said more transparency and public oversight would reduce the chances of misunderstanding and curb mudslinging among lawmakers.

The legislative proceedings, including general assembly meetings and committee meetings, had since April last year been broadcast in a pilot project on three commercial television networks commissioned by the legislature.

The official broadcasts are to be aired on pub信用卡整合代償銀行lic channels 123 and 124 and are governed by the Public Television Service Foundat青創貸款計畫書範例ion.

“We hope that what people watc小額借款3萬h信用不好如何借錢新竹代書借款信貸利率怎麼算循環理財貸款>債務協商程序 on TV 債務協商申請書線上申請貸款信用貸款利率比較2017青創貸款輕鬆貸計畫信用貸款利率試算>信貸代辦公司will not be our brawls,” Chen said.

新聞來源:小額信貸代辦TAIPEI TIMES


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